The process for setting up Instagram with your theme is a bit more complicated than it used to be (due to some changes made on Instagram's part). But don't worry, we're here to guide you through each step and get you set up!
Here's how to work through the process, step-by-step:
Step 1
Log in to your Instagram account at this page. This should be the account that you'd like to show photos from.
Step 2
Go to the Instagram Developers Page and sign up. Just enter "Using my instagram photos on my website" as your reason for using the API.
Next, click "Register a New Client". You need to enter your blog name in the Application Name, Description, and Company name fields.
You'll need to enter your website URL in the Website URL, Valid redirect URIs, and Privacy Policy URL fields.
Enter your email address in the Contact email field.
Step 3
You should see a message saying that you've successfully registered your site. Click the "Edit" button in the blue bar. Click the Security tab and then un-check the Disable implicit OAuth. Then hit the Update Client button to save your changes.
Next, copy the Client ID code under the blue Client Info heading - you'll need this for the next part.
Step 4
Next you need to get your Access Token, which allows your Instagram images to be shown by our theme. To do this, you need to paste a specific URL into your web browser:
You'll need to replace the CLIENT-ID with the Client ID code you copied before, and the REDIRECT-URI with your Tumblr website URL. You need to make sure that this is exactly the same address you added to the client settings in step 3.
So for example, if your Client ID was 16916871345 and your Tumblr URL was, then the URL you need to use is:
Visiting this URL will take you to an authorization page on your Instagram account - click the Authorise button to give it access to your photos.
Step 5
Once that's done you'll go to your Tumblr website, but there will be a code at the end of the URL in the browser's address bar, like this:
The part after the = symbol is your Access Token. Copy this, and paste it into the Instagram Token setting on your Tumblr's Edit Theme page.
Step 6
The last thing you need is your Instagram User ID. This is the part of your Access Token before the first dot. So, if your access token is:
Your User ID to enter into your theme settings is:
That's it! Once you've put this into your theme settings, you should be good to go.